Eastron energy meters manual




Focal points

  • Installatie van de stroomtransformator, P1-kant richting de voeding.
  • Bevestig de transformator met colsonbandjes.
  • Sluit witte draad/S1 van de transformator aan op de positieve klem van de energiemeter.
  • Sluit zwarte draad/S2 van de transformator aan op de negatieve klem van de energiemeter.
  • Corrigeer bij een foutieve aansluiting d.m.v. energiemeterinstellingen.
  • • Aansluiting van de RJ12 kabel bij een driefasige transformator goed controleren, moet 2 keer klikken. Zie ook de sectie Aansluiting RJ12 kabel in hoofdstuk 3 van deze handleiding.
  • Draai de kabels die doorheen de transformator lopen vast met kabelafstandshouders.


Calculus offers the following Eastron meters:

  • SDM120MOD Energymeter 45A - 1F - ModBus - MID
  • SDM230MOD Energymeter 100A - 1F - ModBus - MID
  • SDM630MCT - Modbus - MID - V2 - 3F/100A
  • SDM630MCT - ML - 1L - MID - 3F - ModBus - 1xRJ12CT
  • SDM630MCT - ML - 2L - MID - 3F - ModBus - 2xRJ12CT
  • SDM630MCT - ML - 4L - MID - 3F - ModBus - 4xRJ12CT
  • SDM630MCT - MODBUS - MID - 3F - CT
  • SDM630MCT-RC - ModBus - Rogowski Coil - MID
  • Eastron SDM72D-M-2-MID Energymeter - 3F - ModBus - MID

Het type van de energiemeter wordt aangegeven boven het beeldscherm van de energiemeter.

Informatie omtrent de specificaties zoals bijvoorbeeld: 3x230/400V vindt u onder het beeldscherm (zie afbeelding boven). 

Zie ook de handleidingen en datasheets in de bijlage.



Current transformers

Current transformers reduce high-voltage currents to a much lower value and provide a safe and convenient way to control the actual electric current flowing in an AC transmission. CTs work by converting primary current into secondary current through a magnetic medium. They allow energy meters to measure current on circuits that, if they measured the current directly, would overload the meters. In general, most meters can measure up to a maximum of 100 A of current before needing CTs to read higher values.

CTs are available for both single-phase or three-phase installations.

Types of current transformers

Solid core:

Fixed-core CTs form a fully enclosed core. To install a CT with a stable core, the conductor must be disconnected to get it through the CT core.

Split core:

Split core CTs have a “split” in the core that allows the CTs to be opened and placed around the conductor without the need to disconnect the conductor or interrupt the wiring. Just disconnect the coil, wrap it around the load you are measuring and reattach it!

Split cores are only used with the 630 MCT – MOD – MID energy meter.

Split core’s go from the T24 / T36. This is the diameter of the opening, through which the power cable goes when the split core is attached. So 24 mm or 36 mm.

Information regarding the type and specifications can be found on the CT itself.

Flow direction in a current transformer

The primary current enters the current transformer on the side marked P1. The load should be installed on the side marked P2.

If the primary current comes in on the P2 (in case of a faulty connection) then the current may be displayed as produced current instead of consumed current.

Je kan echter de instellingen aanpassen via de energiemeter zodat bijvoorbeeld de P2 als ingang van de primaire stroom wordt waargenomen.Hiervoor moet je in de instellingen van de energiemeter naar het "Set System Continued" menu gaan.

Use and to select the menu option. Press  and hold to display the submenu.

This screen is displayed, you can change “Forward” to “Reverse” for each individual CT connection.

Hold down  to confirm your adjustment. You can then proceed to IB or IC with and



Installing a current transformer


Pull the power cable through the current transformer if the transformer is solid.

If it is v/h split core type then you can snap it onto the power cable without disconnecting it.

Use colson straps to secure the transformer securely.

To wire the amp meter correctly, connect the positive coil (white wire / S1) of the CT to the positive terminal of the amp meter and the negative terminal of the CT to the negative terminals (black wire / S2) of the amp meter.

Make sure the cables are connected correctly!

If connected incorrectly, there is the possibility that the current will be measured incorrectly. For example: connect black wire to the positive terminal of the ammeter.

Also be mindfull when connecting the N (neutral) and GND (ground / grounding).


Example of a wiring diagram of a gateway + power meter:

De energiemeter geeft stroom door aan de mean well HDR-15-24 voeding via de auxiliary supply poorten 5 en 6, poort 7 wordt met de L verbonden en poort 8 met de N.

Vervolgens wordt de gateway aangesloten op de voeding.

  An example of a wiring diagram of the energy meter SDM630MCT-ML: 

 RJ12 cable connection

Make sure when connecting the RJ12 cable that it is securely attached!

When you push the cable in, you will hear an initial click. The connection then looks like this

After this, push the cable connection further and you will hear a second click.

Let op dat de kabels juist zijn aangesloten!
Bij het verkeerd aansluiten is er de mogelijkheid dat de stroom incorrect wordt gemeten.
Bijvoorbeeld: de S1 van fase L1 aansluiten op de negatieve klem van de ampèremeter.

The cables running through the CT can be tightened using cable spacers. These are shown in the image below.

Informatie over het instellen van de verschillende typen energiemeters kan je terugvinden in de rubriek Power & Energy monitoring.

Questions or comments

If any information in this manual is missing, incomplete or incorrect, please do not hesitate to contact us through this article. We are happy to explain further.

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