Wind gauge - Changing Wind Hat




  • You have the user rights "AssetManagement" and "GatewayManagement."



Correct gateway search

In the left bar, click on "Gateways."

Find the gateway in the list for which you want to change the hat. U can search by name or by serial number. The serial number can be read from the sticker on the calculus module.

If you have found the correct gateway, click on the name of the gateway. You can now scroll through to "3 changing type".


If you do not have the name or serial number of the gateway available, you can still find a gateway by other means.

To do this, click on "Assets" in the left bar.

Find the asset whose wind hat you want to change. Click on the name of the asset. You will now enter the asset menu. Click on the "Data Sources" tab.

You will see "Wind Meter," "Gateway" and "Modem" listed here with behind them a pencil and an arrow. Click on an arrow. The three arrows lead you to the same page.

You will arrive at the correct gateway.



Changing type of gateway

If you followed the previous step correctly, you will now see the "Edit gateway" menu.

At the bottom right, you will see the "Options" button. Click on it.

A folding menu now opens. Here you click on "Change gateway type".

Again, a new window opens, this time "Change gateway type". Here you can see the serial number, name, type and settings of the gateway. Under type, you will see "Windsonic" or "Rika Wind Stageco".

To change the type of the gateway, click on the name of the current type and select the desired type.


Next, click the "Change gateway type" button.

Also, click the "Save" button at the bottom right.



Customize data source of asset

Finally, you need to make an adjustment in the data source of the associated asset.

To navigate to the correct screen to make this adjustment make this adjustment, you must follow the steps from "2. Finding the correct gateway". They are listed again below.

In the left bar, click on "Assets"

 Find the asset whose wind hat you want to change. Click on the name of the asset. You will now enter the asset menu. Click on the "Data Sources" tab.

You will see "Wind Meter", "Gateway" and "Modem" listed here with behind them a pencil and an arrow. This time click on the pencil behind "Wind Meter".

NOTE: each pencil edits a different data source!

When you click on the pencil, you will be taken to the overview of the data source.

Here you still need to change the data source. First click on the bar belonging to the old wind hat. You will now see a folding menu. Here you click on "Stop".

Next, click the "Add data source" button.

Here you can select the new data source for the wind meter. Click on data source and look up the name of the gateway combined with the name of the new wind gauge ("Windsonic" or "Rika").

Click the "Save" button in the lower right corner.

Then click the "Close" button at the bottom left.

Finally, click the "Save" button again in the lower right corner.

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