Locquet Power & Light opts for a total solution

"Calculus' systems are the cockpits on our machines"

As a rental company with diverse machinery, digitizing all your assets is no easy task. The increasing need for reporting and therefore monitoring of all equipment is often quite a challenge. Locquet Power & Light therefore chose to work with Calculus several years ago: "All our information is now grouped together in one environment". 

Locquet Power & Light has been a resounding name in the rental industry for generations. Countless impressive projects and impressive events rely on the company's power solutions and light towers. Thanks to Calculus' measuring devices Locquet maintains a total overview of its machines.

All information centralized

"Thanks to Calculus, we have a view of where our machines are, what they are doing, whether they are being used efficiently and what can be improved," Vincent Locquet says. "A general view of our operation actually."

At Locquet, they find the big advantage of our systems is in the total solution we offer. "We used to have sources that monitored our tanks, sources that displayed the location of the machine, sources that displayed the hourly status of the machine. But that was all with different login procedures in different portals. With Calculus, that's now all grouped together in one environment."

We are fully committed to this total solution. Our measuring devices are compatible with many machines and we link them to the same digital portal. From there, all assets can be monitored for a range of parameters, and rental companies can even control them remotely.

Smooth installation

"Calculus is independent of the underlying machine," states Vincent Locquet. "That's our great convenience. We can easily install it anywhere in the control board, because Calculus has already provided connectors that our own people can wire."

In addition, we at Calculus remain always available for questions from Locquet Power & Light. We provide regular consultation to ensure that further rollout of our systems in their machinery runs smoothly. 

"Calculus' systems are the cockpits on our machines," concludes Vincent Locquet.  The owner of Locquet Power & Light was also happy to share his findings in a video of just 90 seconds!

Kutlu Tuna (MARKETING) December 14, 2023
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