How to add a 360° image




You must have the  "View360Images" user right.



What is the point of a 360° image?

Panoramic photography is a great method for creating expansive views, 360° photography goes one step further and allows you to capture the entire view in 360°. This is an ideal tool to use when managing digital sites.

In general, modern (360°) cameras are equipped with "Exif" specifications (Exif = Exchangeable image file format). Our portal extracts the useful metadata tags from the uploaded images automatically:

  • Information about date and time,
  • Geotags.

This allows the system to upload 360° images directly to your project's map. You can also add 360° images to a diagram and include ambient photos in a floor plan.

How to add a 360° image to a diagram?



How can I add a 360° image?

1. Use the menu on the left to go to the Files page.

2. Click the button to upload a new 360° image.

If you have already uploaded a 360° image, click the 3 dots at the top right to add one from the list.

3. Then you will get a pop-up screen where you can perform the upload.

4. Once uploaded, the image will appear in the list.

5. Click on your image.

7. Optional:

  • Rename the image,
  • Edit the date and time of the photo that was taken,
  • Change the location.

8. Once you have added a latitude and longitude, your image is automatically added to your project's map. Clicking on the red icon will open your 360° image.

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