Resetting the C04




In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to reset the C04. To do so, perform the following actions:

Remove the faceplate from the C04 by inserting a flat 2.5mm screwdriver into the recess and elevator the plate off.

Image:Removing front plate C04.

Press the "Reset" button



Hard reset

In some cases, after you have used the reset button, it may still not have produced the desired effect.

1. In this case, you can disconnect the connector of the small internal battery. This is attached to the green connectors at the bottom. The battery is connected by red and yellow cables to a connector on the circuit board. This connector is located close to the reset button.

Disconnect the connector and remove power from the C04 for at least 5 seconds. The power plug is located on the top of the C04, on the back.

After this period, you may plug the connector back in and the voltage may return to the C04.

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