How to add your own color schemes to widgets




When you create dashboards, you use widgets. The data in these widgets is often displayed in a single color, or in a combination of colors:

We have some standard color schemes in the portal, but you can also create your own color scheme.



How to add your own color scheme

1. Add a widget to a dashboard.

2. Go to graph settings.

3. Select "Add color scheme."

4. Enter a name for your new color scheme.

5. Enter a HEX color code or click on the drop, to choose from a color picker. 

6. When you have chosen a color, click "Add." Repeat as many times as you want for multiple colors.

The order of the colors you choose corresponds to the order of your sensors, for example:

7. Click "Save."

8. Your new color scheme is saved for future use in other widgets or dashboards.

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