How do I create a new dashboard?
- To create a new dashboard you need the user right "DashboardManagement" .
How to create a new dashboard?
1. Use the menu on the left and go to the dashboards icon.
2. To create a new dashboard, click "Add new dashboard."
3. Choose the type of dashboard you want to create. This can be an asset dashboard (of a single asset) or an Overview dashboard with multiple assets.
4. Enter a name and description for your dashboard.
5. Leave the switch of "duplicate dashboard" unchanged.
6. Save the settings
7. You will receive a notification that the dashboard has been created successfully.
How can I edit my dashboard?
1.Click on the menu button in the upper right corner of the screen.
2. Click on "Edit Dashboard."
3. You can now add, modify and delete widgets.
3. Save the changes.
How can I add a widget?
Select a widget to add.
Read the article How can I edit a dashboard and add widgets? for information on the different types.