Restart and Calibration Elsys CO₂ sensor




Follow this guide to restart your Elsys CO2 sensor and calibrate it using your smartphone.





To reboot a CO₂ sensor, you need the "Sensor Settings" app from Elsys. Click here for the app.

Normal mode

Switch to "normal mode" by tapping the little man in the menu at the top. When the button with the little man is colored yellow you are in "normal mode."

Sensor readout via NFC

Not all Android SmartPhones can read NFC tags, for that an NFC reader must be present in your device. To check whether your SmartPhone has an NFC reader, open your device's settings and search for "NFC" there. If you find NFC, the SmartPhone has an NFC reader.

Make sure NFC is on on your device.

You can read the sensors into your app via NFC by placing your SmartPhone on the sensor. Make sure the SmartPhone is over the NFC antenna of the sensor.

If you see the message "Tag read" all settings have been read. Make sure that all tabs are closed so that you do not overwrite the data on the sensor.


You can now restart the sensor by pressing the "WRITE" button. If all tabs are closed, the sensor's data will not be updated. The app gives a pop-up window with all the data that will be overwritten. Make sure that only the "mode" is set to "active" and that no other changes take place.

If other settings are still being written, take your SmartPhone off the sensor and click the cross. This way the sensor is not overwritten with new data.

When you have checked that no settings have been undesirably overwritten, place your SmartPhone with the NFC antenna on the sensor. When you tap your screen, the sensor will reboot. Be sure to leave your SmartPhone until you see the following message appear: "Tag written, 39 bytes".

After this, you may take your SmartPhone off the sensor. If everything has been successful, the LED on the sensor will light up in a red color.





To reboot a CO₂ sensor, you need the "Sensor Settings" app from Elsys. Click here for the app.

Normal mode

Switch to "normal mode" by pressing the little man in the menu menu at the top. When the button with the little man is colored yellow you are in "normal mode."

Sensor readout via NFC

From iPhone 7 or newer, an NFC reader is available.

You can read the sensors into your app via NFC by placing your SmartPhone on the sensor.

When the text "Ready to scan" disappears, and theblue icon on the screen changes to a check, all settings have been read out. Make sure that all tabs are closed so that you do not overwrite the data on the sensor.


You can now restart the sensor by pressing the "WRITE" button. If all tabs are closed, the sensor's data will not be updated. The app gives a pop-up window with all the data that will be overwritten. Check that only the "mode" is set to "active" and therefore no other changes take place.

If other settings are still being written, take your SmartPhone off the sensor and click the cross. This way the sensor is not overwritten with new data.

When you have verified that no settings have been inadvertently overwritten, make sure your SmartPhone is back on the NFC antenna of the sensor. Tapping your screen will then restart the sensor. Leave your SmartPhone until you see the following message: "Successfully wrote data to tag"

After this, you may take your SmartPhone off the sensor. If everything was successful, the LED on the sensor will light up in a red color.

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