Calculus Digger tool manual




How to read a DEIF remotely with the DEIF Utility software and the Calculus Digger tool?

You can install the Calculus Digger tool via door te klikken op “Install”.

by clicking on "install." You will get a message that the publisher is not verified, but you can safely proceed. Once installed, you can open the Digger and will be prompted for your login information. These are the same with which you log in to the Calculus Portal:

Bij het opstarten van de Digger tool wordt er trouwens automatisch gecontroleerd op updates, zodat u steeds over de laatste versie beschikt.

Na het aanmelden kunt u een gateway kiezen in de lijst. Enkel online gateways worden getoond. Nadien kies je “modbus TCP” en het juiste IP-adres waarmee je wilt verbinden.

Then click "activate" to set up a local modbus server and connect to the chosen gateway. From now on all modbus traffic on your PC will be tunneled to the chosen remote DEIF.

Open the DEIF Utility software and go to File -> Settings (F3). Under the "Communication" tab, select "TCP-IP" with IP address "" (i.e. your local PC) and modbus ID "1". Under "advanced settings" it is best to set the times a bit higher because the traffic is now no longer done locally, but through the Internet and a 4G Internet connection. For example:

Click OK and "start communication with the device" (F5).

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