Grouping assets
Why group assets?
To keep the overview of assets easy
you can use asset groups.
Assets that belong to a group appear together in the dashboard menu overview under the name of the asset group.
For example, you can create an asset group of type "Heater" with the purpose of grouping all assets of that type.
You can also create a group in which assets of different types are grouped together, this is called a mixed group. A practical example of this are all the assets located in a property.
Required user rights
How do I create an asset group?
in het menu Assets rechtsboven op “Voeg toe” en kies
voor “Asset-groep”.
Dan verschijnt er een scherm waar u de basisgegevens van de asset group kunt invullen:
Name: de naam van de asset group.
Type: het asset type van de sensoren.
Color: de
kleur van deze asset group.
In de sectie “Asset indicators” kunt u kiezen om assets te laten weergeven op een kaart door de schakelaar “Show Indicators on Map” te activeren.
U kunt de kleur van de asset indicator(en) instellen met behulp
van het druppelvormige icoontje in het “Color” veld.
- Als de schakelaar “Show Indicators on Map” aan staat, zal de asset groep indicator getoond worden op de projectmap. Deze indicator is een gekleurd bolletje.
- Als de schakelaar “Auto Position” aan staat, gaat de sensor zelf proberen zijn locatie aan te duiden op de kaart. Door deze uit te schakelen kunt u handmatig de asset indicator plaatsen.
Door Auto Position uit te schakelen kan u zelf de asset indicator verslepen.
Staat deze echter aan is dit niet mogelijk.
4. Vergeet niet op te slaan.
How do you customize an asset group?
- Go to the asset groups tab and click on the name of the group, or click on the edit button
2. Here you can change the name and color. However, the type cannot be adjusted. You can also determine whether asset indicators are displayed on a map or not.
Add dashboard templates
You can also add standard dashboards to the asset group via the "Visualization" tab.
By turning on this switch, each detail and overview dashboard is built in the same way.
If you turn off the switches, then you can set a specific structure for this asset group per detail and overview dashboard.
Adding or removing assets
In the "Assets" panel, you can add new assets to an asset group, add, or delete existing assets. You do this by toggling the switch in the "Added" column.
The "Options" button in the lower right corner allows you to remove the asset group.
Press "Save."
How do I change the name of an Asset in an Asset group?
Please note! If you modify the name of an asset in an asset group, it is considered a modification specific to the project.
Open the list of asset groups, click on the 3 dots of the asset group you want to edit and select "Edit".
In the "Assets" tab of the asset group, you can assign a new name to an asset in the name column.
Please note! If you rename an asset, the alarm groups this asset is in must be updated.
Save the changes.
Manage asset groups through the projects page
Go to the "Projects" menu and open the project whose asset groups you want to manage.
2. Go to the "Asset groups" tab.
Add a new Asset group
A new asset group can be added by clicking on the + symbol".
2. Give the new asset group a name, select a type of sensor and assign a color.
Customize an Asset Group
1. You can modify an asset group by clicking on the pencil icon at the back.
2. There you can rename your asset group and change the color.
Please note! If you rename an asset, the alert groups this asset is in must be updated.