Detailed large-scale energy management: the Smart Distribution Box creates insight into energy flows

The Smart Distribution Box creates insight into energy flows

With the Olympics still fresh in the memory and with several more spectacular summer events to come, the question arises: how do the organizers of such events manage to oversee their energy supply and consumption? In cooperation with Vello, we developed the Smart Distribution Box several years ago: a smart distribution box that, thanks to integration with our accessible software, provides all the necessary insights for large construction sites, fairs, musical or sporting events. 

Digitization of the classic distribution box ​

The Smart Distribution Box did not steal its name: it is in fact the “smart” version of a traditional distribution box. As with the latter, energy is distributed to various consumers, except that now it is accurately recorded where all the energy comes from and where it's going. Down to the kWh, it is thus possible to calculate where the energy flows. Thanks to the link to our software platform, this data is also represented visually. 

Reporting and evaluation features 

It makes reporting for organizers significantly easier. As governments and official agencies place more emphasis on ESG reporting, among other things, using the Smart Distribution Box saves time. This is because all the data is readily available on one dashboard. From that overview, it is easy to put all the puzzle pieces together and manage your energy usage. The fact that exact data is used instead of estimates is an added bonus. This allows organizers and rental companies to evaluate their energy management and make adjustments where necessary. 

Temporary energy supply for major projects 

Whether it's a festival like Tomorrowland, a sporting event like the Scottish Open, or a massive construction project like Ineos Project One; short term energy provisioning requires precise monitoring for organizers. Through its precise metering, the Smart Distribution Box makes it possible to track energy flows from the source to the end user. Large consumers and possible energy leaks are therefore easily identified. In turn, rental companies can easily assess whether sufficient power was supplied.

For example, a festival will know exactly how much energy the installed solar panels are generating and where generators have to assist. At the same time, monitoring creates the ability to view consumption per podium, campsite, food or beverage stand in detail

dashboard Smart Distribution Box

Exact billing per kWh​

This in turn creates opportunities for billing exhibitors at festivals or for example fairs. Each consumer pays the exact amount of energy they have consumed. The same applies to construction sites where several construction companies use the same energy supply at the same time. 

Furthermore, thanks to a feature linked to our Smart Distribution Box, it is possible to immediately have the amount of consumed energy in kWh's converted into euros, pounds or dollars.

Innovative collaboration with Vello

The development of the Smart Distribution Box is the result of a strong collaboration between Calculus and Vello, a company that specializes in building quality distribution boxes. Vello provides the physical cabinets, which Calculus digitizes. This creates a future-proof product that is ready for the challenges of tomorrow. Vello itself also distributes the Smart Distribution Box under the name Vello Keen

Are you looking for a total solution for smart energy management? Then don't hesitate to contact our experts at, or take a look at our website.

Kutlu Tuna (MARKETING) August 26, 2024
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