GPS Tracking

Optimize Your Fleet and Technicians with Our Advanced GPS Tracking Solutions

We offer GPS tracking for assets that require you to have exact data on the location of your equipment. We also map the number of operating hours for you, so you keep track of when which device needs maintenance.

For assets that are not continuously powered we offer battery powered GPS tracking solutions so you will know its location regardless of its power status.

Your service and maintenance technicians are responsible for maintaining your machinery and providing optimal service to your customers. In emergency situations, it is crucial to be able to quickly dispatch the nearest technician.

What is GPS tracking and which GPS tracker should I use?

Get real-time positional data and check running hours to efficiently manage your equipment and to strategically plan maintenance

For service vehicles and power-driven machines of which you want to know the location and number of running hours, it is best to choose a cable-based solution. This is a measurement solution that uses the supply voltage of the service vehicle or machine. The supply voltage ensures that the device remains active at all times.

With power-driven machines, one often chooses to place the measurement solution there where the technician can install it in the least amount of time. In short, where the technician can easily get to the wiring and where power can be siphoned.

Consider carefully whether this is the right choice for you. After all, when turning off the machine, you may also deprive the GPS tracking of its power supply.

 An alternative is to siphon power directly from the battery. Often this requires an extra effort on the part of the technician but this ensures that your telematics solution is continuously powered.


For machines that do not have constant power supply, choose GPS trackers with batteries. This way, you still have insight into its location and operating hours. Also very convenient if you are looking for a solution that you want to use on a machine today and tomorrow on another.

Questions on GPS Tracking?

How to choose the right GPS Tracker?

There are many different GPS trackers on the market. As a rule, there are three things to look at. The technology used by the GPS tracker to determine its position, the network through which the device transmits its data to the dashboard and wether it's possible and desirable to opt for a wired version.

Location-wise, there are two options. The GPS tracker estimates the location based on triangulation, using three masts in the area you receive a position that approximates the actual position. Want to know exactly where something is located? Then be sure to choose a GPS tracker that uses a GPS chip. Next, you look at which network the GPS tracker uses to transmit its data. There are several options here, such as 4G/NBIOT, 2G, Sigfox and LoRaWAN.

4G/NBIOT is the best possible solution in terms of coverage, suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. In short, anywhere you have cellphone reception. This is also a network where you can be sure that data will be transmitted effectively. The same goes for 2G, keep in mind this network stops from 2025.

With Sigfox and LoRaWAN, you don't have that certainty. Coverage of these is limited, you may experience problems when crossing national borders and data may not be transmitted to the network. Are these then ill suited for that purpose? Not necessarily, it all depends on the application you want to use the GPS tracker for.

Finally, look at the device you wish to track with a GPS. Do you have the ability to provide the GPS tracker with a fixed power supply? Then opt for a wired version of Teltonika on 4G. Is there no fixed power supply available and are you looking for a solution that you can use flexibly between different machines? Then we recommend you choose a battery-powered version of Digital Matter.

Teltonika GPS-trackers

The standard in wired GPS trackers

  • Locatie bepaling op basis van tijdsintervallen of beweging
  • Draaiuren meten
  • Slaap modus 
  • Ritbewaking
  • Groen rijden
  • Detectie hoge snelheid
  • Detectie storing
  • Brandstofteller
  • Detectie buitensporig draaien
  • Ontkoppelingsdetectie
  • Detectie wegslepen
  • Detectie botsing
  • Geofencing
  • Locatie bepaling op basis van tijdsintervallen of beweging
  • Draaiuren meten
  • Slaap modus 
  • Ritbewaking
  • Groen rijden
  • Detectie hoge snelheid
  • Detectie storing
  • Brandstofteller
  • Detectie buitensporig draaien
  • Ontkoppelingsdetectie
  • Detectie wegslepen
  • Detectie botsing
  • Geofencing
  • Besturing via oproep
  • Startonderbreker
  • iButton leesmelding
  • Detectie van storing op  hardware met SLM320-E en SLM320-LA
    • Locatie bepaling op basis van tijdsintervallen of beweging
    • Draaiuren meten
    • Slaap modus 
    • Ritbewaking
      • Groen rijden
      • Detectie hoge snelheid
      • Detectie storing
      • Brandstofteller
      • Detectie buitensporig draaien
      • Ontkoppelingsdetectie
      • Detectie wegslepen
      • Detectie botsing
      • Geofencing
      • Besturing via oproep
      • Startonderbreker
      • iButton leesmelding
      • Detectie van storing op  hardware met SLM320-E en SLM320-LA
    •  Kilometerteller
  • Als uitbreiding op FMC650 voor het uitlezen van CAN
  • Totaal brandstofverbruik
  • Brandstofpeil (Dashboard)
  • Kilometerstand voertuig
  • Deurstatus
  • Motortoerental (RPM)
  • Status oliedruk/peil
  • Versnellingsstand
  • Temperatuur motor
  • Voertuigsnelheid
  • Stand gaspedaal
  • VIN-nummer
  • Lampjes status
  • Totaal CNG-verbruik
  • Motor werkt op CNG-status
  • AdBlue-niveau (dashboard)
  • Gordel status
  • Motor controleren
  • ...

Batterijgevoede GPS-Trackers Digital Matter

De meest snelle en betrouwbare oplossing op vlak van batterij gevoede GPS-trackers

  • Locatie bepaling op basis van tijdsintervallen of beweging
  • Draaiuren meten
  • Batterijlevensduurbewaking
  • Schokdetectie
  • Geofencing
  • Slaap modus
  • Diefstaldetectie
  • Kanteldetectie
  • Tipdetectie
  • Sabotage detectie 
  • Magnetische activering
  • Locatie bepaling op basis van tijdsintervallen of beweging
  • Draaiuren meten
  • Batterijlevensduurbewaking 
  • Schokdetectie
  • Geofencing
  • Slaap modus
  • Diefstaldetectie
  • Kanteldetectie
  • Tipdetectie
  • Locatie bepaling op basis van tijdsintervallen of beweging
  • Draaiuren meten
  • Batterijlevensduurbewaking 
  • Schokdetectie
  • Geofencing
  • Slaap modus
  • Diefstaldetectie
  • Kanteldetectie
  • Tipdetectie
  • Locatie bepaling op basis van tijdsintervallen of beweging
  • Draaiuren meten
  • Batterijlevensduurbewaking 
  • Schokdetectie
  • Geofencing
  • Slaap modus
  • Diefstaldetectie
  • Kanteldetectie
  • Tipdetectie
  • Sabotage detectie 
  • Maak verbinding met sensoren via Bluetooth


    • Dagelijkse locatie update:​ 
      8 jaar
  • Locatie update bij beweging: 
    3 jaar
    • Elk uur locatie update: 
      2 jaar

  • Dagelijkse locatie update:​ 
     +10 jaar
  • Locatie update bij beweging: 
    5 jaar
  • Elk uur locatie update: 
    1.5 jaar

    • Dagelijkse locatie update:​10+ jaar
  • Locatie update bij beweging: 
    6+ jaar
    • Elk uur locatie update: 
      3.5 jaar

    • Dagelijkse locatie update:​ 
      20+ jaar
  • Locatie update bij beweging: 
    +10 jaar
    • Elk uur locatie update: 
      +10 jaar

Kies uw oplossing